Ganttbuster - Features


Please note: Roadmaps are stored locally in your browser. If you clear your browser content, they will be gone. To store them more permantenly you can export them to a file.

Create a list of tasks with a gantt style project view to indicate timelines. Quarterly/monthly columns help communicate timelines without overstating precision or you can create a weekly based project if you want actual date based tasks

Task names can be diplayed traditional style on the left, or with in the bars. In traditional mode you can click on a name to edit it.

Tasks can be grouped under headings

Drag a task bar up or down to change its order in the list including moving it under a different heading.

Drag a task bar sideways to change when a task will occurr without changing its legnth.

Drag the start of a task bar to change when the task will start start.

Drag the end of the task bar to change when the task will end.

Click on a task bar to open the edit dialog where you can change details about the task.

Use the type select to toggle a row between task and heading.

You can change the colour of a bar either by choosing from the palette provided or by entering any HTML colour code you like.

Changing the start settings will move a task. Changing the end settings will change the length of a task.

The toolbar at the top of the page provides some addtional features.

Clicking the Edit or Delete icon displays a matching icon in each row which can be clicked to edit or delete a task.

The display icon switches between traditional and swimlane view.

The scroll icons scroll the roadmap view forward or backward.

Change the style to give your tasks sharp or rounded corners.

Milestones can be a circle or diamond shape.

Optional support for adding multiple tasks on the same row - a busted gantt chart.

Great for planning project tasks that repeat like sprints or iterations.

If sticking to the convention is more your thing you can set strict gantt mode in the project settings.

Let us know what features you would like to see!